Consider voting for my Birds of a Feather session at Tech Ed – level 100

I have submitted two BoF sessions for consideration.  These two subjects are ones I deal with ona  day-to-day basis.  If you are going to Tech Ed and are interested in these topics, go to and vote.

Voting closes on Friday!

Executable requirements with FIT and FitNesse

if your requirements documents could be fed into a tool and executed to
validate the software? That’s exactly what FIT is. The customer can
define requirements and run them. Not only can software be validated at
any time, but requirements are guaranteed to remain current
documentation of the system. Come discuss this emerging concept and
tools to support it.

Intended Audience: IT Pro; Developer
Submitted By: Jeffrey Palermo, DataCert, Inc

Agile Development with .Net

development is gaining wide adoption and for good reason. Come discuss
the range of practices available to speed development with .Net. We’ll
discuss the many practices in the Agile umbrella that can be used by
themselves and combined together. This discussion will also talk about
tools available to help with development.

Intended Audience: Developer
Submitted By: Jeffrey Palermo, DataCert, Inc