Time to select those sessions for Tech Ed. and vote on Birds of a Feather sessions – level 000

If you are registered for Tech Ed, you will receive in an email a link to
pick your sessions.  Each is identified as a track.  I ended up with a mix
between the following tracks:  Developer, Architect, and Web.  My selections did
include quite a bit of WinForms smart client, and I tended to shy away from the
topics I could learn by reading a few good articles.

Vote on Birds of a Feather sessions here.

The following session is a _must attend_. 

Test-Driven Development is

With the new testing tools available in Visual
Studio 2005, Microsoft is enabling an ever greater potential for the adoption of
Test-Driven Development. The upwelling of recent test tool adopters that comes
with Visual Studio 2005 has also created a great deal of ambiguity around
Test-Driven Development for Microsoft developers. Test-Driven Development is a
micro-iterative process whose primary aim is software design – specifically
loosely-coupled designs. As the saying goes, “Tests are just a side effect.”
This session is specifically geared to creating a clear understanding of
Test-Driven Development for Microsoft developers in the ramp up to Visual Studio

Intended Audience: Developer
Submitted By: Scott Bellware,